Patterson Handmade Knives            P.O. Box 246                        Barksdale, Texas  78828
Phone:  830-234-3586             E-mail:


Pat Patterson has been a knifemaker since 1991.  He's a member of the American Bladesmith Society as an apprentice smith.  Visiting the shop of Johnny Stout several years ago inspired him to become a knifemaker.  He tries to create a high quality blade that will please and satisfy the user, and one that he would carry for himself. 
He builds straight knives and folders using 440C and ATS-34 steel for blades.  His grounds are hollow grind and flat grind.  Handle materials include Stag, presentation grade Stabilized Woods, Fossilized Ivory, Micarta, and G-10.  For more information you can call Pat at 830-234-3586 or E-mail him at

Here's some examples of Pat's work:


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"The Scorpio"

Here is a fine folder for the gentleman that likes to carry a small light weight pocketknife.  It has a 3" blade of ATS-34 with anodized titanium bolsters.  The titanium frame is also jeweled and anodized with a fileworked back spacer.  The handle scales are of fossilized Woolley Mammoth Ivory.


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"The Perdernales"

For a sleek, streamlined blade that can be used for hunting or fishing, this is the one.  The steel used is 440C with a hand rubbed satin finish.  The handle material shown is Desert Ironwood. 


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"The Orion"

A folder that can be used as a working knife or carried as a dress knife.  The 4" blade is of ATS-34 with anodized titanium bolsters, jeweled and anodized titanium liners with a file worked back spacer.  The handle material is of fossilized Woolly Mammoth Ivory.


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"The Llano"

This knife has 416 SS bolsters with Wild Olive Burl handle material.   The top of the 3 1/2" blade has fine rope filework, and mosaic pins in the handles.  Steel used is 440C. 


You can reach Pat at 830-234-3586.  You can e-mail him at

You can see more of Pat's knives at

If you contact Pat, be sure to tell him that you saw his work at Top of Texas Knives.

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